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  • #603634

    We spend so much time on video games, sometimes it is totally wasted time (however you still spend time with great fun, if it is your goal) and sometimes you improve your thinking abilities. What? How? Is it possible to spend time with fun and at the same time gain something from it? Yea, it is, if you are playing specific types of games, let’s say for example puzzle games that require from you thinking abilities as well as analyzing skills, etc. Such games in time can dramatically improve the above-mentioned abilities. Staying Sharp is an interactive program designed by AARP to help people in their 50s and older stay sharper as they age, included with your AARP subscription. This site provides fun activities, challenges, recipes, and games that can be played anytime, anywhere—there’s no need for special equipment.
    There is quite a lot of debate within the GTA Online community about what is factually the fastest car in the game. Some have paired Low Grip Tires with Lowered Stance to extract insane performance out of cars like the Karin Calico GTF. However, while this kind of setup can result in ridiculous top speeds, the strategy only really works in drag race-style scenarios, as the cars are almost impossible to control around corners. The next car to join GTA Online is the Vapid Dominator ASP. It’s arguably one of the best Muscle Cars in the game at the moment, with fantastic acceleration and top speed. It rivals Sports Cars and has enough grip to make it a viable option for a Street Race Series race. The five cars listed below are currently the fastest cars in the game when taking into consideration pure straight-line speed. Nothing more, nothing less. These are not necessarily the best cars for racing (we’ll get into that further down) and they do not include non-raceable vehicles. So don’t expect to see the likes of the Scramjet, Annis ZR380 or the previously mentioned Grotti Vigilante, because they’re practically GTA cheats at this point thanks to those rocket boosts and whatnot.

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